Did you know that most people underestimate what they can do in a month but overestimate what they can do in a year? How do we set the right goals? Today we dive into my tips for goal setting for artists.
Mindset is the most important and often most challenging aspect of being a creative entrepreneur. Starting and running your own art business can be overwhelming and there may be times when it doesn’t feel as lavish as you once thought. Setting benchmarks can help you maintain positivity and determination when the going gets tough.
I️ hope this blog post helps you begin to set goals and for more help, check out my $10 Goal Setting for Artists Worksheet.
Before attempting to set any goals, it is important to understand where you are now. I began last year by writing down my number of Instagram followers, my email open rate, and my gross out of state sales, to name a few. I evaluated those numbers at the beginning of this year and determined where I could improve and areas where I needed to grow. Tangible numbers are great (analytics, statistics, and profits), but include intangible items as well (emotions, little wins, etc.). I often ask artists how they are feeling about their art career and where their anxieties lie. These feelings are just as important as the numbers. Here are a few examples to get you started:
Instagram following
Number of emails sent
Income from selling artwork
Number of commissions
Number of shows you participated in
Anxiety towards career
Business tasks that scare you vs. ones that you feel comfortable with