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From Nursing to Full-Time Artist: Kelsey Howard’s Inspiring Journey

In the latest episode of The Art Coaching Club Podcast, Kelsey Howard shares her incredible journey from nursing school to becoming a full-time artist. It’s a story of passion, perseverance, and self-discovery.

Kelsey’s Transition from Nursing to Art

Initially on the path to becoming a nurse, Kelsey found herself increasingly drawn to her art. After graduating with a degree in studio art and continuing nursing school, she made the leap to focus entirely on her art business around three years ago. This decision, while nerve-wracking, allowed her to fully embrace her passion for painting.

Developing Her Artistic Voice

Kelsey describes her artistic journey as one of gradual evolution. By focusing on work that resonates with her, she naturally developed a distinct style, eventually gaining recognition for it.

“Don’t kill yourself trying to make it. Just take it day by day and create artwork that you love. Once you love something or find joy in what you’re making, the audience will see that.”

Navigating the Challenges of Being an Artist

Kelsey opens up about the less glamorous side of being an artist. From shipping logistics to varnishing difficulties, the practical aspects of running an art business aren’t always easy.

“People are like, ‘Oh, it’s so glamorous. You’re an artist.’ And you're like, ‘I am dealing with things that aren't glamorous, too.’" Despite these hurdles, she acknowledges, “It’s the price we pay for the achievement of being an artist.”

Finding Balance and Avoiding Burnout

For Kelsey, maintaining a sustainable business means setting boundaries and finding balance. She tries to dedicate her mornings to creative work and her afternoons to business tasks. Importantly, she’s mindful of burnout, sharing, “How do I keep this a sustainable business where I’m able to keep going and not letting it overtake my life?”

Hiring an assistant has also been key, allowing her to focus more on her art while outsourcing errands and administrative tasks. Kelsey emphasizes self-compassion.

“Be nicer to yourself... Pace yourself, learn as much as you can, but just remember to take care of yourself and be kind to yourself.”

Celebrating Successes and Learning from Challenges

From navigating international partnerships to landing exciting licensing opportunities, Kelsey has had many successes. But she’s quick to point out that the road to success isn’t without challenges. She underscores the importance of learning as you go: “It’s just important to see the full picture. It’s great and wonderful, but also, there’s a lot of challenges.”

Kelsey’s Advice for Artists

Kelsey’s advice for emerging artists is simple: be kind to yourself, create authentically, and focus on what brings you joy. As she explains, when you truly love the work you’re doing, it shines through to your audience. Her story is a reminder that the artistic journey is not just about success—it’s about staying true to yourself and embracing both the challenges and joys of being an artist.

Learn more about Kelsey Howard.


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