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Finding Your Voice Through Abstract Expression: A Conversation with Allison James

In this episode of The Art Coaching Club podcast, host Hayley Price—artist, owner of The Scouted Studio, and business coach for artists—introduces her guest, contemporary abstract painter Allison James. Hayley has extensive experience running her own art business, growing an online gallery, and coaching artists internationally to grow their careers.

Allison James: A Contemporary Abstract Painter

Allison James is a contemporary abstract artist who draws inspiration from the messy, thrilling human experience. Her work, filled with saturated colors and subtle details, reflects personal events, memories, and even fragments of overheard conversations. She takes these felt emotions and translates them into abstract stories, merging her background in representational art and printmaking to create her signature style of layered, colorful, and evocative works.

Allison’s Journey: Finding Her Voice

Allison’s journey to becoming an abstract painter was not a straight path. She started her career as a representational artist, but after five or six years, she realized that approach wasn’t telling her story the way she wanted. She made a dramatic shift, focusing on color, emotion, and movement to reflect her experiences more authentically.

Allison’s use of nostalgia and emotion plays a key role in her work, with each painting representing a fragment of the human experience.

Evolving Her Artistic Process

Over time, Allison’s artistic style has evolved from a minimalistic palette, often featuring a lot of white space, to a more maximalist approach, with color filling every inch of the canvas. This shift, she says, reflects the growing confidence she has found in her own style.

However, like many artists, Allison sometimes struggles with creative blocks and periods of stagnation. She explains how she views her business and creativity as cyclical—periods of high productivity are often followed by moments of unease, signaling the end of a cycle.

"I’d say, first and foremost, get to know yourself. What brings you peace? What sparks your creativity? ... But most of all, trust your gut. Don’t chase validation from external sources—focus on what fulfills you, and the rest will follow."

Balancing the Business Side of Art with Creativity

In addition to her creative process, Allison discusses the challenge of balancing the business side of being an artist. Early in her career, she felt pressured to follow a traditional 9-to-5 schedule, but she soon realized this structure stifled her creativity. Now, she takes a more intuitive approach to her work and has become more selective in how she manages her business.

Allison emphasizes the importance of being authentic, especially when it comes to marketing. She has focused on building genuine relationships with galleries and collectors rather than stretching herself too thin across social media platforms.

Throughout her career, she has learned to be adaptable, recognizing that the art business requires flexibility. From social media strategies to gallery partnerships, she’s learned to navigate the highs and lows while maintaining a consistent baseline income.

"I️ focus on quality over quantity—whether that’s with gallery relationships or social media. It’s about finding a balance that allows me to keep creating without burning out."

Conclusion: Authenticity and Self-Awareness

As the episode concludes, Allison shares her key advice for other artists: take the time to truly know yourself and your creative needs. She encourages artists to silence the noise, avoid chasing external validation, and focus on what brings them peace and fulfillment.

"Your art career doesn’t need to follow anyone else’s blueprint. When you tune in to what makes you happy, that’s when you’ll find true success."

She also stresses the power of email marketing as a direct, personal way to connect with collectors, and highlights the importance of being kind to yourself throughout the artistic journey.

To learn more about Allison’s work, listeners can follow her on Instagram or visit her website to explore her bold, expressive paintings.


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